Thursday, December 15, 2011

Vaughan Real Estate - Vaughan Homes For Sale - Market Update - November 2011

Vaughan Real Estate - Vaughan Homes For Sale - Market Update - November 2011
During my last update, I was dreading the time change and now I hear people complaining that about the weather and the lack of snow. I hope we get the white stuff before Christmas. Lots of people just aren't in the Christmas mood. For my business, this lack of cold and snow has kind of extended the fall buying period.

November was another busy month from a real estate perspective. My colleague, Richard Silver, President of TREB stated that "We have seen strong annual sales growth through the 2011 fall market. The increase in transactions has been broad-based, with strong growth across low-rise and high-rise home types throughout the Greater Toronto Area. The market has also become better supplied, with annual new listings growth outstripping that of sales. As this trend continues into 2012, we will see more balanced market conditions."

The Toronto Real Estate Board reported 7,092 residential transactions through the MLS system in November – up 11 per cent in comparison to November 2010. At the same time, the number of new listings was up by 14 per cent in comparison to last year.

The pace of November resale home transactions remained brisk in the GTA and surrounding area. From my perspective, this certainly bodes well for a strong finish to 2011.
The Toronto Real Estate Board published November market statistics by area last week and I have reviewed the key indicators and will interpret the November numbers for the Vaughan Real Estate Market. In a nutshell, the market is definitely favouring the sellers these days. Inventory remains tight and there are still quite a few buyers aggressively looking.

Here are my observations for those that are interested, on the Vaughan Real Estate Market. These quick facts and figures on Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for November 2011 were taken directly from the numbers that the Toronto Real Estate Board publishes each month.
The Vaughan Real Estate market for November had 283 transactions in the month which was actually up from the 267 transactions reported for October. The average price of these transactions was $549,336 versus $539,00 for October. The average days on market was 28 days which is well above the year to date average of 24 days. Year to date sales have totalled 3,391 transactions with the average selling price at $546,521. Again, these are all healthy numbers.
If you break down the stats by house type, you will see that all segments remain strong. Detached sales accounted for 148 transactions for the month of November with the average selling price of these homes at $696,304 with the homes on the market for an average of 28 days.
Semi-detached homes represented only 22 transactions with an average selling price of $471,707. These homes were only on the market for an average of 12 days before selling. Super quick which tells me that inventory is very tight with escalating prices. Condominiums accounted for 67 transactions and the average days on the market at 31 days which is high relative to the other segments.
That's pretty much it for Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for November. Watch for my December Market Update in the first week of January.
If you want to see these market update numbers for any month and for any area or region, please visit my website at and look at the left menu for the month you are looking for.
By the way, when you are dealing with any Realtor, make sure they know these facts as well. If not, find one that does. Have a great day.

 Joe Andreoli  ........At Your Service Always

Monday, November 7, 2011

Vaughan Real Estate - Vaughan Homes For Sale - Market Update - October 2011

Vaughan Real Estate - Vaughan Homes For Sale - Market Update - October 2011

Now that we are fully into the fall market, I must say that I dreaded the time change. At least it came later than normal this year. To be honest, I really don't understand why we even flip back to standard time. I miss those long summer days already but business continues whether we are on Day-Light Savings Time or not.

Back to business. October was another busy month from a real estate perspective. My colleague, Richard Silver, President of TREB stated that "Home buyers who found it difficult to make a deal in the spring and summer due to a shortage of listings have benefitted from increased supply in the fall."

The pace of October resale home transactions remained brisk in the GTA and surrounding area. From my perspective, this bodes well for a strong finish to 2011. Certainly the low interest rates are helping drive the market. These low interest rates don't look like they will be rising any time soon and since we are still in a tight market with low inventory, this will continue to bode well for sellers and as I have been stating for months, this is a great time to be putting your home on the market if you have been thinking about it.

The Toronto Real Estate Board published October market statistics by area last week and I have reviewed the key indicators and will interpret the October numbers for the Vaughan Real Estate Market. In a nutshell, the market is definitely favouring the sellers these days. Inventory remains tight and there are still quite a few buyers aggressively looking.

Here are my observations for those that are interested, on the Vaughan Real Estate Market. These quick facts and figures on Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for October 2011 were taken directly from the numbers that the Toronto Real Estate Board publishes each month.

The Vaughan Real Estate market for October had 267 transactions in the month which was actually 2 more home trancactions compared to the prior month of September. The average price of these transactions was $539,301. The average days on market was 23 days which is what it has been hovering at on a year to date basis. Year to date sales have totalled 3,111 transactions with the average selling price at $546,301. Again, these are all healthy numbers.

If you break down the stats by house type, you will see that all segments remain strong. Detached sales accounted for 135 transactions for the month of October with the average selling price of these homes at $691,978 with the homes on the market for an average of 25 days.

Semi-detached homes represented only 29 transactions with an average selling price of $460,097. These homes were only on the market for an average of 15 days before selling. Super quick which tells me that inventory is very tight with escalating prices. Condominiums accounted for 60 transactions and the average days on the market at 27 days which is high relative to the other segments.

That's pretty much it for Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for October. Watch for my November Market Update in the first week of December.

If you want to see these market update numbers for any month and for any area or region, please visit my website at and look at the left menu for the month you are looking for.

By the way, when you are dealing with any Realtor, make sure they know these facts as well. If not, find one that does. Have a great day.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Vaughan Real Estate - Vaughan Homes For Sale - September 2011 Market Update

Vaughan Real Estate - Vaughan Homes For Sale - Market Update - September 2011

     After a fabulous summer, I must say that it is nice to get back into a regular routine. The kids are back in school, the buyers are back in full force and the sellers that were waiting for the summer to finish, are slowing putting their homes on the market. As I write this market update, we are hitting the Thanksgiving long weekend and we have lots to be thankful for from a real estate perspective. We have an economy that seems to be holding off the pressures from all around the world. We have low interest rates that don't look like they will be rising any time soon and we are in a very tight market with low inventory which continues to bode well for sellers.

     The summer was a very active one for most agents and their buyers and sellers. We have experienced strong growth in sales this year, with a much more active summer compared to last year. We are still struggling with a lack of good inventory or listings out there. With a lack of listings, buyers seem to be getting very aggressive resulting in multiple offer situations and escalating home prices. As I have been mentioning for months, this is a great time to be putting your home on the market if you have been thinking about it.

     As I will share with you right now, we are definitely in a seller's market. The Toronto Real Estate Board published September market statistics by area last week and I have reviewed the key indicators and will interpret the September numbers for the Vaughan Real Estate Market. In a nutshell, the market is definitely favouring the seller's these days. Inventory is tight and there are quite a few buyers aggressively looking.

     Here are my observations for those that are interested, on the Vaughan Real Estate Market. These quick facts and figures on Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for September 2011 were taken directly from the number that the Toronto Real Estate Board publishes each month.

     The Vaughan Real Estate market for September had 265 transactions in the monthe which was a few homes less than the trancactions done in August. The average price of these transactions was $556,437 which is substantially higher than the year to date average of $546,931. This $10,000 increase makes all kinds of sense if there are fewer listings than normal and aggressive buyers. The old supply and demand theory at work for us again.

     The only other significant number to really look at is the average number of days on the market for a home to sell has gone up to 27 days for September. This is up 4 days compared to the year to date number of 23 days. This increase could be a function of sellers trying to capitalize on the tight inventory situation and consequently putting these homes on the market at higher prices and, as a result, they take longer to sell.

     Again, the Vaughan Real Estate Market remains positive relative to average selling price versus the prior year and with more buyers looking at fewer available units, the numbers make sense.

     That's pretty much it for Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for September. Watch for my October Market Update in the first week of November.

     If you want to see these market update numbers for any month and for any area or region, please visit my website at and look at the left menu for the month you are looking for.

     By the way, when you are dealing with any Realtor, make sure they know these facts as well. If not, find one that does. Have a great day.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vaughan Real Estate - Vaughan Homes For Sale - Market Update - June 2011

Vaughan Real Estate - Vaughan Homes For Sale - Market Update - June 2011

As I write this market update a week or so after I normally write it, I can honestly say that June was a very active month across the entire GTA. I've been extremely busy with my listings and even busier with my buyers trying to get them the properties they want. Quite a few of the transactions that I was involved with in June went into multple offers, winning quite a few and losing a few as well. We, as realtors, have been getting alot of at bats to use a baseball analogy and if you are getting enough at bats, you are bound to get your hits and home runs. As I will share with you shortly, we are definitely in a seller's market.
The Toronto Real Estate Board published June market statistics by district last week and I have reviewed the key indicators and will interpret the June numbers for the Vaughan Real Estate Market. I will also compare the first half of 2011 versus 2010. As mentioned already, the market is definitely favouring the seller's these days. Inventory is tight and there are quite a few buyers aggressively looking.
Last June 2010 wasn't a relatively strong month for sales in Vaughan and the numbers for this June are, not surprisingly, up substantially versus last year.
Market conditions were tighter in June compared to last year. The tight market resulted in strong price growth for the month of June as well. With competition between buyers, we have seen a very strong but sustainable rate of price growth. Right now, I will provide my observations, for those that are interested, on the Vaughan Real Estate Market. Here are some quick facts and a brief market update on Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for June 2011.
In my last update, I spoke about a healthy market when it comes to Vaughan Real Estate and that is exactly what we are expereincing when it comes to Homes For Sale in Vaughan. As you may know by now, I am all about facts and here are the facts for Homes for Sale in Vaughan for June 2011.
The Vaughan Real Estate market showed that inventory was down substantially for June versus the prior year for the same month. We had 466 active listings this past June versus 697 last June. That represents 33% fewer lisitngs. In a nutshell, Vaughan is experiencing a lack of listings right now. This obviously bodes well for sellers, so if you are thinking about selling, now might be a good time to put your Vaughan home up for sale.
The Vaughan Real Estate Market for June 2011 had 254 sales versus 202 transactions last June. These numbers indicate that the Vaughan Real Estate Market remains strong, is quite stable but we are lacking some quality listings right now.
When we look at the average selling price in the Vaughan Real Estate Market for June 2011, it was at $576,829 which is up 5.15% versus last June's number of $548,589. Again, the Vaughan Real Estate Market remains positive relative to average selling price versus the prior year and with more buyers looking at fewer available units, the numbers make sense. The old supply and demand theories at work again.
Homes for Sale in Vaughan were on the market for an average of only 21 days in June, which is down versus last June's number of 23 days. Again more buyers looking at fewer available units and these buyers are buying quickly. These numbers indicate that the Vaughan Real Estate Market remains healthy and that it is a sellers market right now.
On a year to date basis versus last year, some might find the numbers below surprising given all the doom and gloom that was being reported earlier this year. Unit sales for this year until the end of June were 1,422 which is down marginally versus 1,434 units last year. The big change was in number of active listings where we had 2,241 units this year versus 2,794 listings last year. A difference of 553 listings or down almost 25%. With this number of fewer listings, average price year to date went from $514,824 last year to $557,214 this year. Up 8.18%
That's pretty much it for Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for June. Watch for my July Market Update in a few weeks.
If you want to see these market update numbers for any month, please visit my website at and look at the left menu for the month you are looking for. You can check any district in the GTA.
By the way, when you are dealing with any Realtor, make sure they know these facts as well. If not, find one that does. Have a great day.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Vaughan Real Estate Homes For Sale - May 2011 Market Uipdate

As I write this drinking my coffee, I can't stop thinking about about what I just finished reading and interpreting. This is a perfect seller's market. The Toronto Real Estate Board published May market statistics by district yesterday and I have reviewed the key indicators and will interpret the May numbers for the Vaughan Real Estate Market. The market is definitely a seller's market and with the better weather finally here now, the spring market is about to get even hotter.
Last May 2010 wasn't a strong month for sales and the numbers for this May are not surprisingly up substantially versus last year. however, they are about average for a normal May. Again the media influences what they report and most reporters fail to mention this fact.
Market conditions were tighter in May compared to last year. The tight market resulted in strong price growth for the month of May. With competition between buyers, we have seen a very strong but sustainable rate of price growth. Right now, I will provide my observations, for those that are interested, on the Vaughan Real Estate Market. Here are some quick facts and a brief market update on Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for May 2011.
In my last update, I spoke about a healthy market when it comes to Vaughan Real Estate and that is exactly what we are expereincing when it comes to Homes For Sale in Vaughan. As you may know by now, I am all about facts and here are the facts for Homes for Sale in Vaughan for May2011.
The Vaughan Real Estate market showed that inventory was down substantially for May versus the prior year for the same month. We had 461 active listings this past May versus 717 last May. That represents almost 36% fewer lisitngs. In a nutshell, Vaughan is experiencing a lack of listings right now. That bodes well for sellers so if you are thinking about selling, now might be a good time to put your Vaughan home up for sale.
The Vaughan Real Estate Market for May 2011 had 307 sales versus 260 transactions last May. These numbers indicate that the Vaughan Real Estate Market remains strong, is quite stable but we are lacking some quality listings right now.
When we look at the average selling price in the Vaughan Real Estate Market for May 2011, it was at $576,184 which is up 8.23% versus last May's number of $532,089. Again, the Vaughan Real Estate Market remains positive relative to average selling price versus the prior year and with more buyers looking at fewer available units, the numbers make sense. The old supply and demand theories at work again.
Homes for Sale in Vaughan were on the market for an average of only 21 days in May, which is down versus last May's number of 24 days. Again more buyers looking at fewer available units and these buyers are buying quickly. These numbers indicate that the Vaughan Real Estate Market remains healthy and that it is a sellers market right now.
That's pretty much it for Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for March. Watch for my June Market Update in a few weeks.
If you want to see these market update numbers for any month, please visit my website at and look at the left menu for the month you are looking for. You can check any district in the GTA.
By the way, when you are dealing with any Realtor, make sure they know these facts as well. If not, find one that does. Have a great day.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vaughan Homes For Sale Real Estate MLS Property Search March 2011 Update

Vaughan Real Estate - Vaughan Homes For Sale - Market Update - March 2011

Hot off the press. The Toronto Real Estate Board published March market statistics by district yesterday and I have reviewed the key indicators and will interpret the March numbers for the Vaughan Real Estate Market. The market is definitely hot right now and the spring market has begun early. The bulk of what we experienced in March was a function of two key factors. One was a factor of buyers trying to buy before interest rates go up and they will and buyers trying to beat the March 18th deadline with respect to the mortgage rule changes that saw 35 year amortization periods disappear and have buyers put down more money as a downpayment. If you need more info on the changes, call me directly or call one of my mortgage specialists and they will be glad to answer all your questions. The other key factor was that market conditions were tighter in March compared to last year. With competition between buyers, we have seen a very strong but sustainable rate of price growth. Right now, I will provide my observations, for those that are interested, on the Vaughan Real Estate Market. Here are some quick facts and a brief market update on Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for March 2011.

In my last update, I spoke about a healthy market when it comes to Vaughan Real Estate and that is exactly what we are expereincing when it comes to Homes For Sale in Vaughan. As you may know by now, I am all about facts and here are the facts for Homes for Sale in Vaughan for March 2011.

The Vaughan Real Estate market showed that inventory was down substantially for March versus the prior year for the same month. We had 434 active listings this past March versus 567 last March. That represents 23% fewer lisitngs. In a nutshell, Vaughan is experiencing a lack of listings right now. That bodes well for sellers so if you are thinking about selling, now might be a good time to put your Vaughan home up for sale.

The Vaughan Real Estate Market for March had 271 sales versus 300 transactions last March. These numbers indicate that the Vaughan Real Estate Market remains strong, is quite stable but we are lacking some quality listings right now.

When we look at the average selling price in the Vaughan Real Estate Market for March 2011, it was at $550,252 which is up 6.40% versus lastMarch's number of $517,153. Again, the Vaughan Real Estate Market remains positive relative to average selling price versus the prior year and with more buyers looking at fewer available units, the numbers make sense. The old supply and demand theories at work again.

Homes for Sale in Vaughan were on the market for an average of only 20 days in February, which is actually higher than last March's number of 17. Again more buyers looking at fewer available units and these buyers are buying quickly. These numbers indicate that the Vaughan Real Estate Market remains healthy and that it is a sellers market right now.

That's pretty much it for Vaughan Real Estate and Vaughan Homes For Sale for March. Watch for my April Market Update in a few weeks.

If you want to see these market update numbers for any month, please visit my website at and look at the left menu for the month you are looking for. You can check any district in the GTA.

By the way, when you are dealing with any Realtor, make sure they know these facts as well. If not, find one that does. Have a great day.

Friday, March 11, 2011


When it comes to Vaughan Real Estate and pricing a home for sale in Vaughan, we keep hearing how it important it is to set the right price when you or your Vaughan Real Estate Agent go to market your home, however, I cringe every time I see home owners making a mistake by over pricing their homes from the get go and in the end, they end up selling their Vaughan home for less than what the market would bear if it was priced properly.

Vaughan homeowners work hard for their money, yet it is very frustrating to see these same people leaving crumbs on the table when it comes to selling what they worked so hard to get.

Some get it while others simply don't. I want to share with you an example of homes that were sold and marketed properly and homes that were not priced well and sold well below market value. Maybe pictures will help more people understand the importance, so I have a perfect example for you.

There are all kinds of examples and I've picked one of many in the Vaughan market. This is probably the best example as all three homes are virtually identical. As a matter of fact, they are all the same model, builder and neighbourhood. Please, please, please, if you are unsure of what you should price your home at, please call me or email me and I will gladly offer my expertise. Call me at 416-574-8778 or email me at or visit my website at I want to see you get top dollar and sell it quickly. Here goes and I hope more people understand this very important concept. DO NOT OVER PRICE YOUR VAUGHAN HOME.

Example A - a four bedroom home in Vaughan went on the market for $998,800 and sold in 48 days for $960,000. This was priced at market value.

Example B - another four bedroom home in the same area within 500 metres of example A was originally priced at $1,048,000 and after 84 days on the market, the listing was terminated and after a few weeks, was listed again at $998,800 and it sold for $985,000 after only 35 days.

Example C - I really feel bad for the homeowner and the agent. This home, during the same timeframe as above was priced at $1,100,000 and it sat on the market for 138 days. Then it was reduced to $939,000 and further lowered to $914,900. After two months, it just sold for $870,000. The buyers picked up a great house at bargain prices. What a steal. Shame on the homeowners and agent.

This is a real example. It just happened. If the home was priced properly, it would have sold quickly. This occurred during a hot market. Once homes are on the market for awhile, buyers start to think "What is wrong with the house" and it doesn't sell. To make matters worse, the example "C" was marketed more than the other two examples. They were "motivated sellers" at the end of it all.

I hope this example helps people thinking of selling. If you need any assistance, please call me directly. Have a great day.


Vaughan Real Estate Call Joe Andreoli